Executive Summary: Media to Movements Content Meetup April 11, 2023

On Apr 11, 2023 the Media to Movements Content Meetup brought together 21 creatives to source content useful for MTM practitioners. Tom from South Asia shared ways how their team is building a regional media to movement initiative. He was able to share how they started an MTM initiative from the ground up to aid and support their disciple making movement goals.

Catch up with previous executive summaries here. Scroll down for session notes and resources.

Session Recording



Q: What type of content do you use in your media strategy?
A: We utilize pre-existing content like LUMO, issue-based video testimonies such as those covering the caste system, short videos and photos accompanied by captions that showcase location-specific festivals, and timely socio-political news that connects an idea to what is transpiring throughout the country.

Media Strategy Impact

Q: What has changed since implementing a media strategy?
A: Our social media content is now tailored to a strategic intent and purpose, intended to reach seekers and foster online conversations, rather than merely uploading content for general purposes.

Generational Growth

Q: Have you seen multiple generations of believers in your country now?
A: While I do not possess the latest data, we have received reports of spreading of the gospel. For example, a gentleman who encountered one of our ads and subsequently reached out to our team, led to his conversion to Christianity. He then led his brother to the Lord, who in turn led his cousin to the Lord, and ultimately this cousin led his uncle to the Lord. We have observed such expansion as a consequence, although discipleship remains a crucial factor.

Team Growth

Q: Have you found you’ve been able to grow your responder or ministry team faster with the use of these tools as well?
A: Our ministry has experienced growth. We are encountering more individuals who are intrigued and are able to identify those who are both passionate about the Lord and are media-savvy. We have been providing training to these individuals to assist them in becoming responders who will view it as a missions work.

Ministry Adjustments

Q: What adjustments to the ministry have been made since 2019, if any? What prompted the adjustment?
A: Prior to 2019, it was incredibly challenging to explain to the team how an MTM strategy looks like and how it is executed. However, the pandemic prompted a change in attitude, and now believers and churches are actively interested in understanding how media can be employed in disciple-making.

Content Selection

Q: How do you choose the content for the audience?
A: We are seeker-focused. There are many pre-prepared gospel content out there such as videos of Billy Graham. However, our context encompasses individuals without a Christian cultural background and understanding. As a result, we use content that speaks to what truly resonates with seekers, such as issue-based subjects like the caste system and connect it with the message of the gospel.



Films/Projects Referenced

Production Agencies represented

Misc Resources

Training Resources


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