Listening to Jesus Like He’s Here Because…


Listening to Jesus like He’s here because…He is!!

Each January I ask the Lord for a new spiritual focus for the year. I pray the theme will permeate my life as the months go by. Here are prior themes… A Slave of Christ (2013), Better to Give Than to Get (2014), Keep in Step with the Spirit (2015), Listen and Love (2016), Join the Dance Procession (2017), Make Disciples (2018), Looking Up (2019), Blessed to Bless (2020), Practicing the Presence (2021), Talking with Jesus Like He’s Here Because…He Is (2022). The themes of the last two years have led to transformation through experiencing the presence of Jesus in new ways.

Here is my 2023 theme and the story behind it…
Since early January, I have sensed Jesus asking me to not do anything at the beginning of my day until I have heard his voice. It began on my spiritual retreat as I paced diagonally in the early morning darkness in room 22 at the Mission San Luis Rey Retreat Center. Nearly every morning since, I spend 10 to 15 minutes talking with Jesus while walking slowly across my 10’x11′ home office.
Because it is cold when I first get up, I wear a small blanket over me like a prayer shawl. I pace slowly and speak with the Lord and allow him to articulate a response through my spirit. I don’t speak again until I’ve heard from him. This creates a dialogue (scroll down for the video I created when I first began this practice).
Typically I begin by thanking him for a new day, the day before, people I’ve encountered, etc. I let him respond before I speak again. Quite often he reminds me, “Clyde, you have been crucified with me. It’s no longer you who lives. The life you live in this flesh you live by faith in me, the Son of God, who loved you so much that I gave myself for you.”
Only after truly talking with Jesus do I sit in my swivel chair and continue my time with him. This includes praying a hymn from my grandfather’s hymn book, translating a portion of scripture from the original language and reading a devotional book.
By his grace, I did a good job of “talking with him like he’s here” in 2022. But after a few months I was not as good at listening. So he’s calling me back to listen. This is what he expects of us in John 10:1-6…to hear his voice.

So my 2023 theme is “Listening to Jesus like He’s here…because He is.”




11 thoughts on “Listening to Jesus Like He’s Here Because…”

  1. Love love love LOVE this!
    Receive the Trinitarian blessing:
    “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”
    2 Corinthians 13:14

  2. L.Michelle Salvant

    He is truly here! This blog is a reminder of the Life of Christ that exists in, through and all around us. Jesus is here!! I thank God for your fresh revelation of this!

  3. Amen to the truth and wisdom shared here! May the Spirit of our LORD woo us back to His side even closer. To nestle into Him, listen to His heartbeat. That is the peace of GOD that passes all understanding!!

  4. Thank you for sharing this i’m to learn from you that our our Jesus is always present whenever we give Him our attention.
    Blessings to you.
    I’m Elisham.

  5. Amen and amen. This really confirms some things for me. I have been sensing the Lord saying something very similar to me about listening.
    Jon Oyler

  6. So encouraging! I am excited to allow Jesus’ spirit to speak with my spirit. Sometimes, I can feel His presence in a prayer mood but, it can be more practical. This practice will be more helpful to live in Spirit in the human formate.
    This is my life in Christ only that the Father has blessed me to look for.

    Thank you

  7. Clyde, appreciate you sharing your pat new years focus themes. Your 2024 theme is a needed reminder. Our risen Lord is not only present with us and desires us to be present with Him, but He will continues to speak us His flock this new year. Speak Lord Jesus! Open our ears to hear! Give us Your daily bread, (not weekly, monthly, or yearly) Holy Spirit, empower us to trust and obey to bear much eternal fruit, knowing the branches that bear the most bow lowest to the ground! All for Your glory, Father!

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